As part of the regular maintenance of a system, it is recommended that you keep a logbook for recording all system maintenance and performance. When you sign up for the Solmate cleaning program Australia Wide Solar will provide a logbook to be kept in your meter box.
In the logbook the type and frequency of maintenance plus who performed the inspection should be recorded. It‟s also suggested that on a sunny day you note the Kilo Watt Hours for that day. If kept up to date, it can be used to provide a history of the system which can then be used for fault diagnosis.
With some standalone systems, a logbook is required to be kept in accordance with the battery warranty conditions. Check with the system supplier concerning any logbook requirements.
When completing the log sheets, the date and name of person undertaking the maintenance or inspection should be recorded. Log books can be particularly useful because the historical information they contain can show changes over time, as well as abnormal variations from the usual, indicating a problem, or a potential problem. Log books can be provided on request at a small cost, or provided free of charge with a SOLMATE solution.